Upcoming Telugu actress Bhanu Shree Mehra in a sexy photoshoot showing her long legs and bare feet in a short black pants. Bhanu Shree got a dream debut in Telugu films opposite superstar Allu Arjun in the movie Varudu. The actress in the movie was marketed as one who will not expose any of her body parts. Apparently the lack of success of the movie has quickly debunked that theory and Bhanu Shree wasted no time in getting a glam makeover.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Madhu Shree
Pakistani Celeb Feet
Iman Ali Barefoot
The gorgeous Pakistani model and actress Iman Ali on the bed barefeet. The photos have been sent by some user of this blog. The context is absent.
Won't be wrong to say that Iman has the best feet among all the Pakistani Celebs.
And a lot of people have requested for the new ad from a jeans company that features Iman barefoot. Expect those soon although the photos aren't as good as people are making it out here.
Won't be wrong to say that Iman has the best feet among all the Pakistani Celebs.
And a lot of people have requested for the new ad from a jeans company that features Iman barefoot. Expect those soon although the photos aren't as good as people are making it out here.
Priyamani in jeans
Pakistani model in bridals
Friday, May 28, 2010
Madhurima Barefoot in Jeans again
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